Dearest Creative Soul Sister,
This is a heartfelt, reflective story of how one magical
weekend retreat changed my life.
It all started seven years ago during a hot Cincinnati July.
I had just met an amazing, sparkly woman named Glenda. After a few days working
side by side in a steamy creativity studio, she told me about a retreat. She
told me it was happening in October at a place called Wisdom House in
Connecticut. She told me it was being coordinated by Marney Makridakas and her
crew at Artella. She told me Artella was all about the “dance between words and
art.” And she invited me to go, too. (Thank you, thank you, wondrous Glenda!)
Glenda with her spirit doll |
Now, I had only just met Glenda. I had never heard of
Artella. I didn't know a single thing about the setting, the other retreaters,
the agenda for the weekend, and I had not been scouting for a possible retreat
to go to… Yet, instantly, I knew - and I knew deep and true - where I needed to
be come October.
It's hard to give words to that kind of "KNOW"ing
(y'know?! ;-)) - there is something visceral, something majorly INternal,
something almost divine about it. Such KNOWing is random and spotty in my
life - I am far more familiar and
even (dare I say?) "comfortable" entertaining doubts and resistance
and what if's and if onlys and.... and all that stuff that applies to the
official decision making process.
(Going off on a bit of a TANGENT now - stay with me, if
you would - feels important..... As I sit writing, I am ultra-aware
of how miraculous it is that I had that moment of KNOWing at all – it is
painfully clear that I was never taught to tune into that intuitive
spark, much less trust it - no, I had many a lesson in how to weigh pros and
cons and set priorities and strive toward goals and improve in linear
fashion - but I do not recall a single solitary time when I was encouraged to
trust my gut or follow my heart. I'm searching the old memory banks, but
--- nope, not finding anything)....
Anyway -- knowing very little, something wise
in me took action - I registered for the weekend event,
with no clue where I was going, how I was getting there, who I would room with
or really what I would do, other than it was related to words and art.
Something in me knew without knowing.
Glenda, Tamara, Robin, Lisa & Goddess |
And that one weekend changed my life. I don't say that
lightly. And I certainly didn't expect for it to change my life - I just
thought it sounded like a fun weekend away - something special to give to
myself during a tough transition.... yet, especially now, looking
back, seven YEARS later - that weekend gave the deep, real, truest part of me
back to myself. The theme for the retreat was "Wild Child" - and that
twirly, giggly little girl who got squashed and shoulded and wounded way back
whenever? - well, she came back out to play. And here she remains.....
Gathered in a circle making art in Wisdom House |
It wasn't what we DID there that weekend, really - although
all of that was remarkable and insanely fun - it was the community of women
gathering in sacred space to honor their truest selves. The fact that we gave
our individual and collective selves time and energy dedicated to expressing
something beautiful - in words, in art, in movement and play and conversation
and dreams and laughter and song....
It is really kind of mind-blowing, honestly, to define just
how much that single weekend has impacted my life --
* It was the 1st time I was introduced to Laughter Yoga (thank
you, Goddess!) - and now I am a certified Laughter Yoga Leader (getting ready
to go facilitate a session at the local Retirement Community Center in the next
half hour, actually ;-)).
* It was the 1st time I met the Nine Modern DayMuses (and a BodyGuard) and learned about Creativity Coaching, and now I am
a certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach (thank you, Jill!).
Walking Labyrinth at 1 Osprey Lane |
*It was where I declared that the next time I moved, I'd have a yard with my very own walking
labyrinth (to share, of course) - and now I do.
*That weekend was the first time I dabbled in the genuine magic of women gathering in commUNITY and now, together, Glenda & I co-create and co-facilitate programs designed to provide women and girls with time, space and permission to nourish their souls with words and art in community.
Yes, something meaningful and lasting transpired that
magical weekend in Connecticut.
This is my story.
And this is my oh-so sincere invitation to you to click the link to learn more about the 1st annual Creative Collaborative ReTREAT: If you feel called to GIVE yourself sacred time, space and inspirational commUNITY, then ACCEPT this
opportunity and RECEIVE the multitude of blessings waiting to unfold.
Live a little..... watch the video to see what's in store..... "you'll know it when you see it..."
With so much gratitude and creative blessings coming your way - would love to share an autumn retreat weekend with you, if it's the thing to do....
~Robin Ok